As a tarot reader of 15 years, I've been part of many transformational moments—and at the heart of the most powerful readings is a really good question.

If you're curious about getting an online tarot reading on Moonlight, amazing! Tarot isn't all about divining your future—or the stereotypical "love and money." Tarot has the power to illuminate so many aspects of your life, projects, or situations—from the profound to the mundane. It's a collaborative conversation where you discover epiphanies together. I like to think of a tarot reading as a roleplaying game, where you map out scenarios in your life and the world.

There are many ways to think of a good question for a tarot reader. You could start by pulling a card to get inspiration or by asking the tarot reader "What do I need to know?". I've found that the best readings come from first asking the querent the simple question, "What's been on your mind lately that you want clarity on?"

The responses I get to those questions are really diverse. We all have totally different things weighing on us. And while some questions may fall into similar categories, each person's unique experiences and concerns shape the reading. If your question really resonates with you, you'll get more out of the reading.

Here's real-world examples of questions querents have asked me that have sparked big 'aha!' moments during sessions.

These aren't the most obvious inquiries. When really asked: what's that thing on your mind?—the questions are often provocative! A good question is something that's deep for you. A recurring thought. Something that makes your brain twist.

*I removed details from the questions to keep them anonymous.

Life Transition Questions

  1. I'm considering moving closer to my family. What impact would this have on my life?
  2. There's a potential new job I'm excited about, but I'd have to relocate. How should I make this decision?
  3. I just went through a breakup after a 4-year relationship, and I'm only just starting to think about dating again. How should I navigate this?
  4. I've had three different careers, and now I'm ready for something new. What should my next chapter be?

Feeling Stuck Questions

  1. I have an idea for a business. What should I consider before taking the leap?
  2. I’ve been working on this project for years now. What should the last piece be?
  3. I'm having difficulty making new friends. How can I shift things to have the social life I desire?
  4. I don't feel fulfilled at my current job. Should I leave? When?

Philosophical Questions

  1. Why do I always feel the need to be productive?
  2. With all the shit happening in the world, how do I actually just do my day-t0-day-life and all my responsibilities?
  3. What's the motivation behind all the artwork I make?

Personal Growth Questions

  1. I struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. How can I build my confidence?
  2. I've been feeling a ton of stress and burnout lately. How do I get my spark back?
  3. Is there another city I should live in that would be better for me? Where should I live? How will that affect my relationships, creativity, and work?
  4. I feel stuck and unmotivated in general. How do I get out of this rut?

Relationship Questions

  1. I'm starting a new collaboration and want to know, how will it go?
  2. I’m truly on the fence about having kids. How do I discuss this with my partner?
  3. My kid plays a ton of video games, and I feel like our relationship has changed. How do I better connect with them?

You might have noticed, most of these questions use the word "how" instead of "should".

I like to twist should into how, what, where, and why. It's totally fine to start out with a "should", but shaping it into a "how" questions empowers you to explore different paths and possibilities, rather than seek a definitive answer. A tarot reader can help you formulate your question too! Ultimately, the power to make decisions and create change lies within you, but tarot is an amazing catalyst and a great reading provides that nudge, guidance, and realizations to get where you want to be.

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